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Why we all need a bit more fresh air.

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

According to a report by the Mental Health Foundation (in 2021) Nature can mean a very wide range of things. It can conjure pictures of an interconnected space, sweeping landscapes, forests, heathlands, the ocean and a network of relationships between plants and animals. Equally, there is a whole other perspective, on a smaller and much more accessible scale (for most people) which reflects bird song, the cycle of the natural world, green spaces, green verges and changes in the temperature and weather patterns (Bratman et 2012).

The interesting point is that whilst time outdoors is always time well spent, connectedness to our local natural environment is a key to how happy and contented we feel. Regardless of intensity, time or type of exercise; “When we have high levels of nature-connectedness we are often happier in life, feel our lives are more worthwhile and have lower levels of depression and anxiety (Capaldi A. et al, 2014; Richardson et al, 2021)”. So there you go!

We all I think sense that time spent outdoors is good for our wellbeing, but it is also now being linked to changes in behaviour, causing people to “seek out more opportunities to spend time with nature, and therefore experience its psychological benefits, and have a positive disposition towards the environment (Martin et al., 2020)”. Bit of a mouthful perhaps, but more simply anything you enjoy, there is an element of safeguarding, preservation and protection. No surprise therefore, that the more you connect with nature the more pro-environment and pro-conservation measures you take! Fantastic feedback in our opinion.

So how do I get more ‘connected’ I hear you ask and how is this relevant to me?! Well, back in 2011 a report was composed by the New Economics Foundation which was aimed at improving wellbeing on a national scale. The key elements being; connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and keep giving. It really got us thinking here about what we do and how it is about much more than just physicality, we did always feel connected to the outside – but how do you go about explaining this?

The MHF report suggests that connectedness involves your senses, emotions, beauty, meaning and compassion. Now whilst I don't walk outside and roll out my bullet point list each time I go for a run, cycle or walk...I do notice these elements frequently. When we say we feel connected to the outdoors, this is what we really mean.

So how do you change a walk or a run into something more? Our first suggestion is that you become aware - if you have had a stressful day don't be surprised if it takes half an hour for your mind to calm itself down. We can't tell you how many times we have been exercising, only to realise after thirty minutes that you are exercising! Not at work, re-living the past, predicting the future or going through the same scenario over and over like an out of control train. You’ll hear some bird song or a moment will jog you out of your own thought train. You’ll smell the flower blossom or sense the impending rain – you will start to realise there is a bigger picture which you are a part of. You can reflect on not just your exercise but how being outside makes you feel calmer and small things bring great happiness - a totally new perspective. Look at the intricacies of things in a new light, the whirl of a flower, the flight of a bee, the colours inside a flower. What does it all mean to you?

Even if only one of these principles enters your mind or you reflect upon them in the moment, you are probably a long way along the road of connectedness - already getting way more than a simple cardio workout on your run, walk or gardening stint. So when someone says they feel connected with nature, you'll begin to get much greater insight into what they are talking about.

There’s a bigger picture out there if you take time to look for it.

If you have got this far - thank you! More to follow from the world of wellbeing and welltroddenpath. Next time – Why you should eat more fruit and veg.

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